

October 2018 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Comics Shipped to North American Comics Shops
Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

#1 Most Ordered Issue
#2 Most Ordered Issue
#3 Most Ordered Issue
#4 Most Ordered Issue
#5 Most Ordered Issue

Covers and issue links on this page lead to current eBay listings. This site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

Comics and graphic novel orders through Diamond Comics Distributors ended October ahead for the year-to-date, thanks to one additional New Comic Book Day during the month and particularly strong sales of middle-tier titles. It was the first time the year-to-date figure was positive since December 2016.

Marvel, DC, and Image's dollar sales performances all improved against October 2017, a month with one less shipping week and dominated by Marvel's Legacy event. Marvel's dollar sales of comics and graphic novels to retailers were up $6 million year-to-date; DC's up $4 million, and Image's were back even.

October was generally without the major launches that previous months saw; the major event for the month (besides the Venom movie) was Walking Dead Day on Oct. 13, which saw 15 different "blind bag" editions of previous issues (along with new variant covers) on offer. Batman #56, with its foil edition, finished first in units and dollars among comic books, with Walking Dead #1's 15th anniversary edition in second.

Notable, however, was the performance of titles in the midsection of the charts. The 150th place title shipped 17,305 copies, the third largest amount at that level in 20 years. The 200th place title sold 12,184 copies, the fourth highest amount in two decades. The 50th, 100th, 400th, and 500th place titles all hit one-year highs. While in part due to more releases on offer after a year in which publishers had cut their slates back, it appears that, in the absence of a blockbuster title for the month, retailers may have spread their ordering dollars around to other issues. October's total comics shipment of 8 million copies was the largest since May 2017, which had the 25¢ Saga #43 padding the totals.

Thanks to its graphic novels and the Walking Dead event, Image's market shares vaulted to near 13%, both for units and dollars. A consequence: Marvel and DC's combined market shares were at their lowest level since August 2017

We have a video walkthrough of the month's preliminary sales report here:

Read more in our preliminary and final analysis posts for the month. And you can see the reorders that were placed during the month on our pages for reorders and advance reorders for the year.

—John Jackson Miller

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top 500 charts, plus any post-#500 items from its Top Independent Publisher charts.
If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.
Items marked with asterisks [*] had their reported orders reduced by 10% due to returnability.
Click to read the methodology for this table's estimates.
Distributor charts are regional commodity reports, not measures of a work's total reach. Read our FAQ.
Title links below lead to current listings for the issues on eBay. As an eBay Partner, this site may be compensated if you make a purchase.

UnitsDollarsComic-book TitleIssuePriceOn salePublisherEst. units
212Walking Dead1 15th Annv$2.9910/10/18Image106,090
56Spider-Gwen Ghost-Spider1$3.9910/24/18Marvel88,923
67Heroes In Crisis2$3.9910/31/18DC88,547
810Justice League10$3.9910/17/18DC84,179
98Amazing Spider-Man7$3.9910/10/18Marvel83,013
109Amazing Spider-Man8$3.9910/24/18Marvel82,833
1111Return of Wolverine2$3.9910/24/18Marvel80,211
125Venom Annual1$4.9910/17/18Marvel75,032
1315Justice League9$3.9910/03/18DC72,687
1613Infinity Wars4$4.9910/10/18Marvel63,612
1723Detective Comics990$3.9910/10/18DC61,040
1821Walking Dead184$3.9910/03/18Image60,814
1924Action Comics1004$3.9910/24/18DC60,420
2014Batman Secret Files1$4.9910/31/18DC58,707
2317X-Men Black Emma Frost1$4.9910/31/18Marvel55,731
2427Wonder Woman56$3.9910/10/18DC55,178
2519Justice League Aquaman Drowned Earth1$4.9910/31/18DC53,820
2729Justice League Dark4$3.9910/17/18DC53,443
2832Captain America4$3.9910/10/18Marvel52,253
2935Detective Comics991$3.9910/24/18DC50,318
3120X-Men Black Magneto1$4.9910/03/18Marvel49,660
3222Wonder Woman & Justice League Dark Witching Hour1$4.9910/03/18DC48,946
3339Immortal Hulk7$3.9910/10/18Marvel48,902
3441Justice League Odyssey2$3.9910/24/18DC46,662
3544Star Wars55$3.9910/03/18Marvel45,611
3645Star Wars Darth Vader22$3.9910/17/18Marvel45,458
3838Black Panther Vs. Deadpool1$3.9910/24/18Marvel44,533
3948Cosmic Ghost Rider4$3.9909/05/18Marvel44,304
4128Justice League Dark & Wonder Woman The Witching Hour1$4.9910/31/18DC43,456
4230X-Men Black Mystique1$4.9910/17/18Marvel43,039
4350Wonder Woman57$3.9910/24/18DC42,217
4451Harley Quinn52$3.9910/17/18DC41,301
4534X-Men Black Juggernaut1$4.9910/24/18Marvel41,092
4653Tony Stark Iron Man4$3.9910/03/18Marvel40,730
4855Tony Stark Iron Man5$3.9910/31/18Marvel39,944
4936Old Man Logan50$4.9910/31/18Marvel39,666
5242X-Men Black Mojo1$4.9910/10/18Marvel37,034
5361Teen Titans23$3.9910/17/18DC36,902
5443Superior Octopus1$4.9910/03/18Marvel36,778
5564X-Men Red9$3.9910/24/18Marvel36,673
5663Old Lady Harley1$3.9910/24/18DC36,520
5765Suicide Squad47$3.9910/10/18DC35,715
5859What If? Punisher1$3.9910/10/18Marvel35,633
6356Stranger Things2*$3.9910/31/18Dark Horse34,771
6440Batman The Maxx Arkham Dreams1$4.9910/03/18IDW34,699
6670Green Arrow 45$3.9910/03/18DC34,241
6849Moon Knight200$4.9910/24/18Marvel33,387
6974Green Lanterns56$3.9910/03/18DC33,156
7076Doctor Strange6$3.9910/03/18Marvel32,768
7178Astonishing X-Men16$3.9910/17/18Marvel32,424
7277Books of Magic1$3.9910/24/18DC32,284
7480Infinity Wars Arachknight1$3.9910/24/18Marvel32,030
7686Black Panther5$3.9910/31/18Marvel31,254
7787Infinity Wars Weapon Hex1$3.9910/17/18Marvel31,140
7882Walking Dead1 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image31,043
7983Walking Dead19 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image30,864
8185Harley Quinn51$3.9910/03/18DC30,709
8257Typhoid Fever Spider-Man1$4.9910/03/18Marvel30,693
8391Red Hood Outlaw27$3.9910/10/18DC30,343
8593What If? Spider-Man1$3.9910/03/18Marvel29,686
8766Vault of Spiders1$4.9910/31/18Marvel28,818
8898Old Man Logan49$3.9910/17/18Marvel28,556
89215Curse of Brimstone7$2.9910/03/18DC28,525
91101What If? Thor1$3.9910/24/18Marvel27,670
92103Life of Captain Marvel4$3.9910/17/18Marvel27,418
9373Avengers Halloween Special1$4.9910/31/18Marvel27,378
95105What If? X-Men1$3.9910/03/18Marvel27,225
9794Magic Order4*$3.9910/03/18Image26,522
98109What If? Ghost Rider1$3.9910/17/18Marvel25,917
99108Oblivion Song By Kirkman & De Felici8$3.9910/10/18Image25,754
100111Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man311$3.9910/17/18Marvel25,555
102142Batman Blank Comic1$2.9910/03/18DC25,407
10397Star Wars Solo Adaptation1$4.9910/10/18Marvel25,270
104112Death of Inhumans4$3.9910/03/18Marvel25,245
10584Star Wars Doctor Aphra25$4.9910/24/18Marvel25,144
106114Asgardians of the Galaxy2$3.9910/03/18Marvel24,771
10788Marvel Zombie1$4.9910/17/18Marvel24,706
108113Green Lanterns57$3.9910/17/18DC24,512
10990Batman Beyond25$4.9910/24/18DC24,219
110104Umbrella Academy Hotel Oblivion1*$3.9910/03/18Dark Horse24,105
11175Batman The Maxx Arkham Dreams2$4.9910/31/18IDW23,991
112116Adventures of the Super Sons3$3.9910/03/18DC23,839
114115Batman Kings of Fear3$3.9910/24/18DC23,794
115118What If? Magik1$3.9910/31/18Marvel23,668
116117Die Die Die3$3.9910/03/18Image23,582
119122Infinity Wars Iron Hammer2$3.9910/31/18Marvel22,909
120123Infinity Wars Soldier Supreme2$3.9910/24/18Marvel22,812
121124Marvel Two-In-One11$3.9910/31/18Marvel22,650
12295Superman Top Cat Special1$4.9910/31/18DC22,603
124126Old Man Hawkeye10$3.9910/31/18Marvel22,381
12599Deathstroke Yogi Bear Special1$4.9910/31/18DC22,224
126128West Coast Avengers3$3.9910/31/18Marvel21,616
128129Mr and Mrs X4$3.9910/17/18Marvel21,471
130106Green Lantern Huckleberry Hound Special1$4.9910/31/18DC21,295
131158Nightwing Magilla Gorilla Special1$4.9910/31/18DC21,227
132133Weapon H8$3.9910/03/18Marvel20,939
133130Walking Dead100 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image20,914
134135Weapon H9$3.9910/17/18Marvel20,904
13533Cursed Comics Cavalcade1$9.9910/10/18DC20,275
136174Wonder Woman Blank Comic1$2.9910/03/18DC20,103
137137Spider-Man Deadpool40$3.9910/10/18Marvel19,821
138136Paper Girls25$3.9910/03/18Image19,741
139138Infinity Wars Sleepwalker1$3.9910/03/18Marvel19,633
140139Weapon X24$3.9910/03/18Marvel19,558
141177Superman Blank Comic1$2.9910/03/18DC19,463
142132Dead Rabbit1*$3.9910/03/18Image19,031
143140Walking Dead2 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image19,011
144134Star Wars Tales From Vaders Castle1$3.9910/03/18IDW18,786
146144Gideon Falls7$3.9910/17/18Image18,624
147119Terrifics Annual1$4.9910/31/18DC18,624
148147Walking Dead27 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image17,944
149151Infinity Wars Sleepwalker2$3.9910/24/18Marvel17,724
151156Unstoppable Wasp1$3.9910/17/18Marvel17,293
153154Die Die Die4$3.9910/24/18Image17,171
154155Hex Wives1$3.9910/31/18DC17,158
155143Star Wars Tales From Vaders Castle2$3.9910/10/18IDW17,062
156157Walking Dead7 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image16,852
157339True Believers What If Silver Surfer Possessed Gauntlet1$1.0010/24/18Marvel16,837
158159Walking Dead53 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image16,766
159162House of Whispers2$3.9910/10/18DC16,763
160145Mighty Morphin Power Rangers32$3.9910/24/18Boom16,735
161160Walking Dead108 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image16,662
162146Star Wars Tales From Vaders Castle3$3.9910/17/18IDW16,658
163161Walking Dead48 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image16,637
164165Plastic Man5$3.9910/10/18DC16,495
165149Star Wars Tales From Vaders Castle4$3.9910/24/18IDW16,429
166164Walking Dead167 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image16,361
167150Star Wars Tales From Vaders Castle5$3.9910/31/18IDW16,265
169166Walking Dead127 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image16,168
170348True Believers What If Alien Costume Possessed Spider-Man1$1.0010/17/18Marvel16,135
172168Walking Dead92 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image16,082
173171Injustice Vs. The Masters of the Universe4$3.9910/31/18DC15,927
174170Walking Dead171 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image15,847
175353True Believers What If Spider-Man Rescued Gwen Stacy1$1.0010/10/18Marvel15,759
179175Murder Falcon1$3.9910/10/18Image14,864
180176Walking Dead132 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image14,859
181169Archie Meets Batman 664$3.9910/31/18Archie14,622
182367True Believers What If Jane Foster Found Hammer of Thor1$1.0010/03/18Marvel14,594
186377True Believers What If Kraven Hunter Killed Spider-Man1$1.0010/24/18Marvel13,793
188100Wytches Bad Egg Halloween Spec$7.9910/31/18Image13,725
189182Walking Dead98 Blind Bag Var$3.9910/10/18Image13,540
190183Doom Patrol12$3.9910/31/18DC13,448
191392True Believers What If Dr Doom Had Become a Hero1$1.0010/10/18Marvel13,021
192190Wild Storm18$3.9910/31/18DC13,021
193191Ms. Marvel35$3.9910/10/18Marvel13,019
195193Cemetery Beach2$3.9910/17/18Image12,785
196396True Believers What If FF Had Not Gained Their Powers1$1.0010/17/18Marvel12,752
197194Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider25$3.9910/10/18Marvel12,660
198400True Believers What If Avengers Fought Evil During 1950S1$1.0010/03/18Marvel12,239
199197Multiple Man5$3.9910/31/18Marvel12,229
200402True Believers What If The FF Had Different Super-Powers1$1.0010/31/18Marvel12,184
201195Neil Gaiman American Gods My Ainsel7$3.9910/17/18Dark Horse12,167
202185Go Go Power Rangers13$3.9910/10/18Boom11,912
203186Sonic The Hedgehog10$3.9910/31/18IDW11,886
205199Jook Joint1$3.9910/03/18Image11,863
206201East of West39$3.9910/17/18Image11,783
209188Rick & Morty43$3.9910/31/18Oni11,683
210204Raven Daughter of Darkness9$3.9910/24/18DC11,499
211207Scooby Apocalypse30$3.9910/10/18DC11,337
212415True Believers What If Legion Killed Magneto1$1.0010/31/18Marvel11,276
213233New Challengers6$2.9910/17/18DC11,238
214208Bully Wars2$3.9910/10/18Image11,229
215184Lady Mechanika Dame Sans Merci3$3.9910/31/18Benitez11,105
216196Kiss Blood Stardust1$3.9910/24/18Dynamite10,991
218211Black Hammer Age of Doom6$3.9910/17/18Dark Horse10,789
219214Aliens Dust to Dust3$3.9910/24/18Dark Horse10,532
220219Infinite Dark1$3.9910/10/18Image10,229
221206Mystery Science Theater 30002*$3.9910/24/18Dark Horse10,214
222209Vampirella Dejah Thoris2$3.9910/24/18Dynamite10,195
223210TMNT Ongoing87$3.9910/17/18IDW9,968
224222United States Vs. Murder Inc2$3.9910/03/18DC9,750
225212Mars Attacks1$3.9910/24/18Dynamite9,719
226216Star Wars Adventures15$3.9910/31/18IDW9,709
227256Injustice 235$2.9910/03/18DC9,594
228261Injustice 236$2.9910/17/18DC9,420
230220Simpsons Comics245$3.9910/17/18Bongo8,899
231221Jim Henson Labyrinth Coronation8$3.9910/24/18Boom8,885
232227Border Town2$3.9910/03/18DC8,847
234230Unbeatable Squirrel Girl37$3.9910/10/18Marvel8,682
235223Rainbow Brite1$3.9910/03/18Dynamite8,532
236231Quantum Age From The World of Black Hammer3$3.9910/10/18Dark Horse8,529
237236Marvel Super-Heroes Captain Marvel Halloween Spooktacular1$3.9910/24/18Marvel8,351
238178Batman Damned1$6.9909/19/18DC8,312
239224My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic71$3.9910/03/18IDW8,296
240229My Little Pony Nightmare Knights1$3.9910/10/18IDW8,242
241225Red Sonja22$3.9910/17/18Dynamite8,209
242228Jim Henson Beneath Dark Crystal3$3.9910/03/18Boom7,929
243152TMNT Macroseries1$7.9910/03/18IDW7,906
244243Errand Boys1$3.9910/03/18Image7,861
245244X-O Manowar20$3.9910/24/18Valiant7,781
246198Transformers Unicron5*$4.9910/10/18IDW7,772
247245Rat Queens12$3.9910/24/18Image7,747
248232James Bond Origin2$3.9910/03/18Dynamite7,682
250163TMNT Macroseries2$7.9910/24/18IDW7,587
251246Predator Hunters II3$3.9910/24/18Dark Horse7,531
252238Vampirella Roses For Dead2$3.9910/24/18Dynamite7,510
253252Ice Cream Man8$3.9910/31/18Image7,303
255241Archie 19412$3.9910/17/18Archie7,237
257263Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur36$3.9910/24/18Marvel7,110
259248Invader Zim36$3.9910/31/18Oni6,873
260249Star Trek TNG Terra Incognita4$3.9910/24/18IDW6,834
261265Cold Spots3$3.9910/24/18Image6,823
262250Red Sonja Tarzan5$3.9910/10/18Dynamite6,810
264253Walk Through Hell5$3.9910/03/18Aftershock6,608
265255Lone Ranger Vol. 31$3.9910/03/18Dynamite6,568
266258TMNT Urban Legends6$3.9910/24/18IDW6,526
267259Jughead The Hunger9$3.9910/10/18Archie6,494
268271Heroes In Crisis1$3.9909/26/18DC6,379
269311Scooby Doo Team Up43$2.9910/24/18DC6,281
270264Adventure Time Season 111$3.9910/10/18Boom6,262
271280Wildstorm Michael Cray12$3.9910/10/18DC6,128
272267Project Superpowers3$3.9910/10/18Dynamite6,088
273235Red Sonja Halloween Special One Shot$4.9910/24/18Dynamite6,080
274240Vampirella Halloween Special One Shot$4.9910/24/18Dynamite5,933
275269Rise of the TMNT1$3.9910/17/18IDW5,923
278273Strangers In Paradise XXV7$3.9910/17/18Abstract5,793
283293Whispering Dark1$3.9910/24/18Dark Horse5,525
284282Bone Parish4$3.9910/31/18Boom5,474
285268Dead Kings1*$3.9910/24/18Aftershock5,472
287270Spookhouse 21$3.9910/03/18Albatross5,338
289299New World4$3.9910/17/18Image5,285
290254Bettie Page Halloween Special One Shot$4.9910/24/18Dynamite5,275
291275Tank Girl All Stars4$3.9910/03/18Titan5,234
292274Optimus Prime24*$3.9910/17/18IDW5,196
293291Britannia Lost Eagles of Rome4$3.9910/31/18Valiant5,160
295262Army of Darkness Halloween Special One Shot$4.9910/24/18Dynamite5,122
296260Zombie Tramp Ongoing53$4.9910/10/18Action Lab5,113
297278Judge Dredd Toxic1*$3.9910/24/18IDW5,094
302305Disney Frozen Breaking Boundaries3$3.9910/17/18Dark Horse4,852
303307Curse Words17$3.9910/17/18Image4,846
304297Spongebob Comics85$3.9910/10/18United Plankton4,838
305308Shanghai Red5$3.9910/31/18Image4,831
306284Lollipop Kids1*$3.9910/03/18Aftershock4,817
307298Dejah Thoris9$3.9910/17/18Dynamite4,810
308309Beasts of Burden Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men3$3.9910/24/18Dark Horse4,784
310301Black Badge3$3.9910/17/18Boom4,762
312288Last Space Race1*$3.9910/10/18Aftershock4,731
313257Barack Panther1$4.9910/03/18Antarctic4,721
314272Return of Wolverine1$4.9909/19/18Marvel4,699
316314Death Orb1$3.9910/03/18Dark Horse4,645
317289Man-Eaters2 Iridescent$4.9910/31/18Image4,633
318294Taarna3$3.9910/03/18Heavy Metal4,531
319380Scooby Doo Where Are You95$2.9910/17/18DC4,402
320322Hack Slash Resurrection12$3.9910/17/18Image4,371
322302Dark Souls Age of Fire4$3.9910/03/18Titan4,262
324316Quantum & Woody11$3.9910/17/18Valiant4,226
325338Faith Dreamside2$3.9910/31/18Valiant4,211
326336Usagi Yojimbo7$3.9910/24/18Dark Horse4,163
330226Planet of the Apes Time of Man1$7.9910/31/18Boom4,038
332346Last Siege5$3.9910/03/18Image3,999
333239Tank Girl Full Color Classics 1989-19902$6.9910/17/18Titan3,904
335312Grimm Fairy Tales22$3.9910/24/18Zenescope3,870
336354Days of Hate9$3.9910/24/18Image3,865
337333Transformers Bumblebee Movie Prequel4$3.9910/03/18IDW3,823
338335Steven Universe Ongoing21$3.9910/17/18Boom3,798
339337Ghostbusters Crossing Over7$3.9910/17/18IDW3,788
340237From Hell Master Edition1$7.9910/10/18IDW3,786
341355Hey Kids Comics3$3.9910/10/18Image3,758
342341Tangled Hair Raising Adventures1$3.9910/10/18IDW3,755
343357Savage Dragon239$3.9910/17/18Image3,741
345345Game of Thrones Clash of Kings13$3.9910/10/18Dynamite3,654
346374Joe Golem2$3.9910/10/18Dark Horse3,631
347323Spookhouse 22$3.9910/10/18Albatross3,622
349324Black Knight1$3.9910/10/18Zenescope3,614
350364Dragon Age Deception1$3.9910/17/18Dark Horse3,612
351351Nancy Drew5$3.9910/31/18Dynamite3,603
353325Elric White Wolf2$3.9910/10/18Titan3,597
354375Edge of Spider-Geddon2$3.9908/29/18Marvel3,569
355329Grimm Fairy Tales21$3.9910/10/18Zenescope3,567
356319She Could Fly4$4.9910/10/18Dark Horse3,563
357326Thanos Legacy1$4.9909/05/18Marvel3,556
358331Spookhouse 23$3.9910/17/18Albatross3,527
359328Web of Venom Ve Nam1$4.9908/29/18Marvel3,516
360332Spookhouse 24$3.9910/24/18Albatross3,496
362411Archies Halloween Spectacular1$2.9910/10/18Archie3,399
363358Uber Invasion16$3.9910/03/18Avatar3,390
364359Amory Wars Good Apollo12$3.9910/10/18Boom3,367
365383Aphrodite V4$3.9910/17/18Image3,305
366368Devil Within1$3.9910/10/18Black Mask3,280
368371Uber Invasion17$3.9910/31/18Avatar3,242
370370Steven Universe Harmony3$3.9910/03/18Boom3,237
372397Thief of Thieves41$3.9910/03/18Image3,164
373361Revenge of Wonderland4$3.9910/24/18Zenescope3,063
374362Shades of Magic1$3.9910/10/18Titan3,054
375399Outpost Zero4$3.9910/10/18Image3,047
376382Animosity Evolution8$3.9910/17/18Aftershock3,038
377404Edge of Spider-Geddon1$3.9908/15/18Marvel3,029
378365Zorro Swords of Hell1$3.9910/03/18American Mythology3,014
379401Tomb Raider Inferno4$3.9910/03/18Dark Horse2,992
381387Over Garden Wall Hollow Town2$3.9910/24/18Boom2,966
382389Tangled Hair Raising Adventures2$3.9910/31/18IDW2,950
383391Fathom Vol. 74$3.9910/17/18Aspen2,940
384344Dollface16$4.9910/10/18Action Lab2,939
385394Charlies Angels5$3.9910/31/18Dynamite2,899
387398Voltron Legendary Defender Vol. 34$3.9910/10/18Lion Forge2,844
389417Cosmic Ghost Rider3$3.9909/05/18Marvel2,802
390317Sex Death Revolution1$5.9910/31/18Black Mask2,792
391356Vampblade Season 36$4.9910/24/18Action Lab2,725
392381Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses39$4.9910/17/18Image2,701
393388Edgar Allan Poe`S Snifter of Terror1$3.9910/31/18Ahoy2,700
394384War Bears2$4.9910/03/18Dark Horse2,695
395421Call of Duty Zombies 22$3.9910/17/18Dark Horse2,616
396405Artifact One1$3.9910/10/18Aspen2,603
397369Olivia Twist2*$4.9910/24/18Dark Horse2,564
400334Crossed Plus 100 Mimic6$5.9910/31/18Avatar2,532
404420Low Road West2$3.9910/17/18Boom2,463
405433Venom First Host1$3.9908/29/18Marvel2,460
408437Amazing Spider-Man2$3.9907/25/18Marvel2,402
409407Belle Beast Hunter5$3.9910/24/18Zenescope2,376
411410Grimm Fairy Tales Tales of Terror Vol. 48$3.9910/31/18Zenescope2,339
412426House Amok2$3.9910/03/18IDW2,317
413413Stabbity Bunny8$3.9910/17/18Scout2,316
414414Captain Ginger1$3.9910/17/18Ahoy2,305
415435Stranger Things1$3.9909/26/18Dark Horse2,282
416412Infinity Wars3$4.9909/12/18Marvel2,279
417428Moth & Whisper2$3.9910/10/18Aftershock2,256
418448Proxima Centauri5$3.9910/17/18Image2,237
419409Doomsday Clock7$4.9909/26/18DC2,186
420454Venom First Host2$3.9909/05/18Marvel2,163
421457Amazing Spider-Man5$3.9909/12/18Marvel2,158
422452Empowered & Sistah Spookys High School Hell6$3.9910/17/18Dark Horse2,139
423439Hot Lunch Special3$3.9910/10/18Aftershock2,136
424441Lost City Explorers5$3.9910/31/18Aftershock2,134
426444Albert Einstein Time Mason1$3.9910/10/18Action Lab2,056
428470Fantastic Four2$3.9909/12/18Marvel2,005
429385Magica De Spell Giant Halloween Hex$5.9910/10/18IDW1,994
430449Giant Days43$3.9910/03/18Boom1,982
431434Stargate Atlantis Singularity3$3.9910/24/18American Mythology1,981
433373Knights of the Dinner Table259$5.9910/17/18Kenzer1,964
434456Patience Conviction Revenge2$3.9910/17/18Aftershock1,930
435376Girl Who Danced With Death Mill Saga3$5.9910/17/18Titan1,917
436455Regular Show 25 Years Later5$3.9910/24/18Boom1,907
437458Shadow Roads4$3.9910/10/18Oni1,903
438422These Savage Shores1*$3.9910/03/18Vault1,894
439445Warhammer 40000 Deathwatch4$3.9910/17/18Titan1,870
440497Betty & Veronica Friends Forever Story Book1$2.9910/17/18Archie1,868
441653True Believers Punisher First Appearance1$1.0009/19/18Marvel1,865
442465League of Extraordinary Cerebi1$4.0010/31/18Aardvark-Vanaheim1,851
443463John Wick1$3.9910/03/18Dynamite1,848
444466Soulfire Vol. 74$3.9910/24/18Aspen1,841
445584Midnight Mystery1$1.5010/31/18Alterna1,833
446347Backstagers Halloween Intermission1$7.9910/24/18Boom1,820
447349Garfield TV or Not TV1$7.9910/17/18Boom1,811
448450West Coast Avengers1$4.9908/22/18Marvel1,792
450483Asgardians of the Galaxy1$3.9909/05/18Marvel1,754
451453Wrong Earth2$3.9910/10/18Ahoy1,747
452395Ripleys Believe It or Not1$5.9910/03/18Zenescope1,741
453486Venom First Host5$3.9909/26/18Marvel1,737
454488Edge of Spider-Geddon4$3.9909/26/18Marvel1,734
455460Dredd Final Judgement1$3.9910/10/18Rebellion1,723
456318Hellina Ravening1 (Nude)$7.9910/17/18Avatar1,708
457476Rick & Morty Vs. Dungeons & Dragons1$3.9908/29/18IDW1,688
458464Pellucidar1$3.9910/03/18American Mythology1,686
459485Bedtime Games4$3.9910/17/18Dark Horse1,683
460432Infinity Wars1$5.9908/01/18Marvel1,649
461469Paradise Court4$3.9910/31/18Zenescope1,646
462477Welcome to Wanderland2$3.9910/17/18Boom1,639
463493Venom First Host3$3.9909/12/18Marvel1,624
464480Wilds5$3.9910/10/18Black Mask1,610
465481Dread Gods4$3.9910/10/18IDW1,603
466471Amazing Spider-Man Annual1$4.9909/19/18Marvel1,594
467492Starcraft Scavengers4$3.9910/31/18Dark Horse1,573
468572It Came Out On a Wednesday3$1.9910/31/18Alterna1,551
469500Border Town1$3.9909/05/18DC1,539
470487Thrilling Adventure Hour4$3.9910/24/18Boom1,535
471489Black AF Widows & Orphans3$3.9910/10/18Black Mask1,524
473473Ogre1$3.9910/17/18Source Point1,506
474501New Lieutenants of Metal4$3.9910/03/18Image1,505
475509Justice League8$3.9909/19/18DC1,424
476484Impossible Inc2*$3.9910/10/18IDW1,406
477496Rick & Morty Vs. Dungeons & Dragons2$3.9909/26/18IDW1,394
478498William The Last1$3.9910/03/18Antarctic1,392
479366Belladonna Fire Fury9 (Nude)$7.9910/03/18Avatar1,381
480446Hellina Ravening1$5.9910/17/18Avatar1,363
481490Hatchet Vengeance1$3.9910/31/18American Mythology1,358
482518Immortal Hulk6$3.9909/19/18Marvel1,337
483523Infinity Wars Soldier Supreme1$3.9909/19/18Marvel1,309
485525Life of Captain Marvel3$3.9909/19/18Marvel1,296
487491Doomsday Clock4$4.9903/28/18DC1,286
488379Jungle Fantasy Secrets3$7.9910/31/18Avatar1,279
490459Jungle Fantasy Secrets3$5.9910/31/18Avatar1,263
492502The Three Stooges Monsters & Mayhem1$3.9910/17/18American Mythology1,243
494503Dollman Kills The Full Moon Universe3$3.9910/03/18Full Moon1,232
495515Oh S#!T Its Kim & Kim3$3.9910/10/18Black Mask1,230
496504High Heaven2$3.9910/24/18Ahoy1,222
497516Mighty Morphin Power Rangers31$3.9909/26/18Boom1,222
498467Belladonna Fire Fury9$5.9910/03/18Avatar1,220
499533Venom First Host4$3.9909/19/18Marvel1,220
500499Doomsday Clock6$4.9907/25/18DC1,219

October 2018 Graphic Novel Sales to Comics Shops

Estimated Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks Shipped to North American Comics Shops Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors

This list includes all items on Diamond's Top 500 charts, plus any post-#500 items from its Top Independent and Manga charts. If you don't see a book, Diamond released no data for it.

The links lead to title details on Amazon (paid links). You can also find the books at your comics shop.

The Batman: White Knight softcover led the chart in a month in which new graphic novel releases were up significantly in quantity over the same month in the previous year. Sales were up 5% in dollars overall.

UnitsDollarsTrade Paperback titlePricePublisherEst. units
12Batman White Knight$19.99DC12,065
21Wonder Woman Earth One HC Vol. 2$24.99DC9,910
33My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies HC$16.99Image9,608
46Batman Vol. 7 The Wedding Rebirth$16.99DC6,022
520Gideon Falls Vol. 1 Black Barn$9.99Image6,013
624Isola Vol. 1$9.99Image5,541
77Wicked & Divine Vol. 7 Mothering Invention$17.99Image5,020
823Death or Glory Vol. 1$16.99Image3,371
921Avengers By Jason Aaron Vol. 1 Final Host$17.99Marvel3,345
1040Batman & The Justice League Manga Vol. 1$12.99DC3,024
1116Man of Steel By Brian Michael Bendis HC$24.99DC2,857
1232Black Science Vol. 8 Later Than You Think$16.99Image2,816
138X-Men Grand Design Second Genesis$29.99Marvel2,779
1467My Hero Academia Vol. 15$9.99Viz2,565
1543Saga Vol. 9$14.99Image2,523
1629Sandman Vol. 1 Preludes & Nocturnes 30th Anniv Ed$19.99DC2,449
1735Likely Stories HC$17.99Dark Horse2,398
1845Terrifics Vol. 1 Meet The Terrifics$16.99DC2,251
1912Batman The Dark Prince Charming HC$34.99DC2,248
2048Lumberjanes Original Vol. 1 Infernal Compass$14.99Boom2,233
2146Moonshine Vol. 2$16.99Image2,226
22100Analog Cyber Dystopian Noir Vol. 1$9.99Image2,139
2313Walking Dead HC Vol. 15$34.99Image2,124
2447Deadpool Assassin$17.99Marvel2,096
2550Maestros Vol. 1$16.99Image2,091
2653Teen Titans Vol. 3 The Return of Kid Flash Rebirth$16.99DC2,069
2728Black Eyed Peas Presents Masters Sun Zombies Chronicles$24.99Marvel2,002
2844Jessica Jones MPGN Blind Spot$19.99Marvel1,958
2926Frankenstein Alive Alive HC The Complete Collection$24.99IDW1,957
3030Frankenstein HC Junji Ito Story Collection$22.99Viz1,909
31104My Hero Academia Vigilantes Vol. 2$9.99Viz1,883
32132Monstress Vol. 1$9.99Image1,766
3361Royal City Vol. 3 We All Float On$16.99Image1,766
3469Monstress Vol. 3$16.99Image1,734
3555Red Hood & The Outlaws Vol. 4 Good Night Gotham$19.99DC1,725
36131Saga Vol. 1$9.99Image1,714
37149Batman HC Vol. 1 The Court of Owls$24.99DC1,710
3866Manifest Destiny Vol. 6$16.99Image1,685
3980Hit-Girl Vol. 2$14.99Image1,678
40106Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beast$9.99Heavy Metal1,673
4178Doctor Strange By Donny Cates Vol. 2 City of Sin$15.99Marvel1,666
42136Marvel Superhero Adventures to Wakanda and Beyond$9.99Marvel1,666
4383Green Lanterns Vol. 7 Superhuman Trafficking$14.99DC1,630
4473Deathstroke Vol. 5 The Fall of Slade Rebirth$16.99DC1,629
4574Raven Daughter of Darkness Vol. 1$16.99DC1,603
46113Mob Psycho 100 Vol. 1$11.99Dark Horse1,573
4741Swamp Thing The Bronze Age Omnibus Vol. 1$24.99DC1,568
4882Doctor Strange Damnation$15.99Marvel1,554
4975Runaways By Rainbow Rowell Vol. 2 Best Friends Forever$17.99Marvel1,518
5088Dont Let The Penguin Drive The Batmobile HC$14.99DC1,513
5115Hunt For Wolverine HC$50.00Marvel1,512
5262X-Men Blue Vol. 5 Surviving Experience$19.99Marvel1,487
5379Weapon H Vol. 1 Awol$17.99Marvel1,461
5465Suicide Squad Vol. 7 Drain The Swamp Rebirth$19.99DC1,449
5596Saga Vol. 8$14.99Image1,440
5651Infinity Gauntlet$24.99Marvel1,436
5739Justice League The Darkseid War Essential Edition$29.99DC1,434
5931Flash By Mark Waid Book 5$34.99DC1,400
6077Harrow County Vol. 8 Done Come Back$17.99Dark Horse1,395
6192Wakanda Forever$15.99Marvel1,392
6233Star Wars Darth Vader Dark Lord Sith HC Vol. 1$34.99Marvel1,378
6386Supergirl Vol. 4 Plain Sight Rebirth$16.99DC1,378
6427Doctor Strange Epic Collection Master of the Mystic Arts$39.99Marvel1,335
6572Bloodborne Vol. 1$16.99Titan1,331
6689Sideways Vol. 1 Steppin Out$16.99DC1,328
674Amazing Spider-Man By Michelinie & Mcfarlane Omnibus HC$100.00Marvel1,285
6895Dead Hand Vol. 1 Cold War Relics$16.99Image1,272
6999Bombshells United Vol. 2 War Bonds$16.99DC1,266
7010Marvelocity Marvel Comic Art Alex Ross HC$50.00Random House1,264
71121Scarlet Book 1$14.99DC1,246
7222Deadly Class Dlx HC Vol. 2$49.99Image1,206
73101New Mutants Dead Souls$17.99Marvel1,194
74135Aquicorn Cove HC$12.99Oni1,148
75138Tokyo Ghoul Re Vol. 7$12.99Viz1,140
7681WWE Undertaker Original$19.99Boom1,140
7752Apocrypha The Legend of Babymetal$24.99Z21,132
78120Monstress Vol. 2$16.99Image1,131
7994Marvel Knights Black Widow By Grayson & Rucka$19.99Marvel1,123
8037Star Wars Legends Epic Collection New Republic Vol. 4$39.99Marvel1,108
8163Aliens Essential Comics Vol. 1$24.99Dark Horse1,099
8297Batman Haunted Knight$19.99DC1,086
83192Paper Girls Vol. 1$9.99Image1,072
84188Identity Crisis 10th Anniversary HC$29.99DC1,066
85103Mage Vol. 5 Hero Denied Book Three$19.99Image1,058
86128Black Lightning Cold Dead Hands$16.99DC1,051
8758Dark Nights Metal Deluxe Ed HC$29.99DC1,051
8871Hellboy Omnibus Vol. 1 Seed of Destruction$24.99Dark Horse1,050
8949BPRD Hell On Earth HC Vol. 3$34.99Dark Horse1,044
9060Batman The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 2$29.99DC1,032
91123Batman The Killing Joke Special Ed HC$17.99DC1,013
92110Archie Vol. 6$17.99Archie1,007
9342Incredible Hulk Epic Collection Leader Lives$39.99Marvel1,004
94146Me The People HC$14.99Image999
95145Weapon X Vol. 4 Russian Revolution$15.99Marvel992
9718Marvel Masterworks Invincible Iron Man HC Vol. 11$75.00Marvel965
9887Flash Starting Line Essential Edition$24.99DC937
99154Saga Vol. 2$14.99Image915
100129Umbrella Academy Vol. 1 Apocalypse Suite$17.99Dark Horse914
101127Batman Knightquest The Crusade Vol. 2$19.99DC910
10254Tomb of Dracula Complete Collection Vol. 2$39.99Marvel884
103147Demon Hell Is Earth$16.99DC883
104225Bonehead Vol. 1$9.99Image876
10557Ghost In Shell Global Neural Network HC Px Ed$29.99Random House875
106209Bleach Vol. 74$9.99Viz868
10793Adventure Zone Vol. 1 Here There Be Gerblins$19.99St. Martins866
10864Batman Detective Comics HC Rebirth Dlx Coll HC Book 3$34.99DC846
109170Wonder Woman a Celebration of 75 Years HC$39.99DC846
1109Tomb of Dracula Omnibus HC Vol. 1$100.00Marvel845
111148Marvel Knights Daredevil By Bendis Maleev Underboss$17.99Marvel838
112359Batman 66 HC Vol. 1$19.99DC827
113181Batman Noir Hush HC$39.99DC820
114139My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Vol. 15$17.99IDW819
115244Snotgirl Vol. 1 Green Hair Dont Care$9.99Image816
116234Plants Vs. Zombies War and Peas HC$9.99Dark Horse815
117125Kong On Planet of Apes$19.99Boom809
11819Super Mario Encyclopedia Ltd Ed HC$79.99Dark Horse801
11959X-Men Magneto War$39.99Marvel791
120159United States of Murder Inc Vol. 1 Truth$16.99DC787
121114Royalboiler Brandon Graham Drawn Out Coll$24.99Image784
12225Hellstorm By Warren Ellis Omnibus HC$75.00Marvel780
123402Harley Quinn Night and Day$16.99DC778
12414Absolute Kingdom Come HC$99.99DC763
125122X-Men Phoenix In Darkness By Grant Morrison$24.99Marvel757
12790Dark Nights Metal Dark Knights Rising HC$29.99DC744
128266Wicked & Divine Vol. 1 The Faust Act$9.99Image742
129157Tank Girl Coloring Book$14.99Titan740
130117Dave Mckean Short Films HC$24.99Dark Horse738
131274Bloodstrike Brutalists$9.99Image737
132379Harley Quinn Welcome to Metropolis$19.99DC736
133344Batman Noel Deluxe Edition HC$22.99DC735
134171Mech Cadet Yu Vol. 2$14.99Boom735
135236My Hero Academia Vol. 1$9.99Viz735
136109Peanuts Dell Archive HC Vol. 1$24.99Boom730
13768Marvel Knights By Dixon & Barreto Defenders of Streets$39.99Marvel727
138183Paper Girls Vol. 4$14.99Image725
139182Walking Dead Vol. 29 Lines We Cross$16.99Image725
140387Harley Quinn Vengeance Unlimited$19.99DC715
141218Walking Dead Vol. 1 Days Gone Bye$14.99Image713
142130Batman The Long Halloween$24.99DC700
14385Jim Henson Dark Crystal SC Box Set Creation Myths$29.99Boom699
144339Flash HC Vol. 1 Move Forward$24.99DC698
145199Saga Vol. 7$14.99Image690
146202Saga Vol. 3$14.99Image684
147348Batman Gothic Deluxe Edition HC$24.99DC671
14811Thor Heroes Return Omnibus HC Vol. 2$125.00Marvel669
149137Batman Hush Complete$24.99DC668
150197Conspiracy of Ravens HC$14.99Dark Horse664
151169Boys Vol. 1 Name of the Game Sgn Ed$16.99Dynamite663
152346Batman HC Vol. 7 Endgame$24.99DC662
153186Adventure Time Beginning of End$14.99Boom652
154231Aquaman a Celebration of 75 Years HC$39.99DC652
155164X-Men Deadly Genesis$19.99Marvel650
156226Catwoman a Celebration of 75 Years HC$39.99DC649
157400Batman Year One Hundred$19.99DC647
158211Gantz G Vol. 2$13.99Dark Horse643
159206Aposimz Vol. 1$12.95Random House633
160201Venom Lethal Protector$16.99Marvel629
161185Green Lantern a Celebration of 75 Years HC$39.99DC627
162191Walking Dead Vol. 30 New World Order$16.99Image625
163184Disney Manga Nightmare Christmas Zeros Journey Vol. 1$15.99Tokyopop621
164107Flash By Manapul & Buccellato Omnibus HC$99.99DC618
165152Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling Gn$18.99Random House616
166320Deadly Class Vol. 1 Reagan Youth$9.99Image615
167198Eternal Empire Vol. 2$16.99Image614
168105Green Arrow Rebirth Dlx Coll HC Vol. 1$34.99DC608
169479Supergirl Cosmic Adventures In The 8th Grade$12.99DC607
170194Star Wars Darth Vader Dark Lord Sith Vol. 1 Imperial Mach$17.99Marvel606
171219Saga Vol. 4$14.99Image594
172333Batman Year 100 Dlx Ed HC$29.99DC581
173172I Am a Hero Omnibus Vol. 8$19.99Dark Horse580
174143On a Sunbeam$21.99St. Martins580
17591Avengers Doctor Strange Rise of Darkhold$39.99Marvel574
176233Saga Vol. 6$14.99Image573
177165Star Trek Discovery Succession$19.99IDW572
178403Wonder Woman The True Amazon HC$22.99DC572
179208Gasolina Vol. 2$16.99Image568
180454Batman The Widening Gyre$17.99DC567
181268Paper Girls Vol. 2$12.99Image564
182290Batman Contagion$34.99DC562
183421Dark Night a True Batman Story HC$22.99DC555
18498Mutant X Vol. 1 Complete Collection$39.99Marvel553
185324Food Wars Shokugeki No Soma Vol. 26$9.99Viz552
186111Battle Angel Alita Deluxe Ed HC Vol. 5$29.99Random House550
187319Fraggle Rock Journey to the Everspring$9.99Boom549
188397Pride of Baghdad Deluxe Ed HC$24.99DC549
189213Gravediggers Union Vol. 2$16.99Image541
190193Joker HC$19.99DC540
191141X-Men Cyclops & Phoenix Past & Future$29.99Marvel540
1925Walking Dead Compendium 15Th Annv Box Set$200.00Image539
193133George Rr Martins Clash of Kings Vol. 1$26.00Random House533
194316Trollhunters Tales of Arcadia The Felled$10.99Dark Horse533
195315My Hero Academia Vol. 2$9.99Viz532
196418Batgirl HC Vol. 1 The Batgirl of Burnside$24.99DC529
197124Blade Blood and Chaos$34.99Marvel528
198253Saga Vol. 5$14.99Image526
199161Batman The Golden Age Omnibus HC Vol. 2$75.00DC525
200224Multiversity Dlx Ed HC$49.99DC525
201230Transformers Bumblebee Movie Prequel From Cybertron Love$14.99IDW525
202309Phoebe & Her Unicorn Vol. 8 In Unicorn Theater$9.99Pocket523
203144Suicide Squad Unwrapped By Jim Lee HC$29.99DC523
204151James Bond The Body HC$24.99Dynamite520
205177Girl Town$19.99IDW518
206235Ninja-K Vol. 2 The Coalition$14.99Valiant517
207204Preacher Book 1$19.99DC517
208369I Hate Fairyland Vol. 1 Madly Ever After$9.99Image516
209345Blue Exorcist Vol. 20$9.99Viz514
210126Lady Mechanika Oversized HC Vol. 3$28.99Benitez512
212377Venom Vs. Carnage$9.99Marvel510
213150Scott Pilgrim Color HC Vol. 1$24.99Oni505
214483Flex Mentallo Man of Muscle Mystery$14.99DC501
215378Filth Deluxe Edition HC$29.99DC500
216428Batman Death By Design Deluxe Ed HC$24.99DC499
217283Batman Unwrapped The Court of Owls HC$39.99DC499
218426Batman HC Vol. 4 Zero Year Secret City$24.99DC496
219134Justice League of America Omnibus HC Vol. 2$99.99DC496
220461Batman 66 Meets The Man From Uncle HC$19.99DC495
221419Batman HC Vol. 5 Zero Year Dark City$24.99DC495
222360Wormworld Saga Vol. 2 Shelter of Hope$9.99Lion Forge494
223424Batman HC Vol. 6 Graveyard Shft$24.99DC493
224398Skyward Vol. 1 My Low-G Life$9.99Image489
225232X-Men Uncanny Origins$17.99Marvel489
226376Legend of Wonder Woman HC$29.99DC488
227238Death Note Black Ed Vol. 1$14.99Viz485
22817Final Crisis 10Th Anniversary Omnibus HC$150.00DC485
229446Batman 66 Meets The Green Hornet HC$22.99DC482
23034Harley Quinn By Conner & Palmiotti Omnibus HC Vol. 2$99.99DC479
231273Black Hammer Vol. 1 Secret Origins$14.99Dark Horse475
232328Eromanga Sensei Vol. 1$11.99Dark Horse474
234312Paper Girls Vol. 3$12.99Image473
235196TMNT Universe Vol. 5 Coming Doom$19.99IDW473
236155Spider-Man Maximum Carnage$29.99Marvel472
237256Batman Vol. 1 I Am Gotham$16.99DC471
238269Dragons Crown Vol. 2$12.99Udon470
239176Rick & Morty Vol. 1$19.99Oni468
240142Spider-Gwen HC Vol. 3$34.99Marvel468
241215Kingdom Come$19.99DC467
242112Skymasters Space Force Comp Sundays 1959-1960 HC (Res)$34.95Amigo467
243156Wolverine Old Man Logan$29.99Marvel467
244433Batman HC Vol. 8 Superheavy$24.99DC466
245162Great Treasury of Christmas Comic Book Stories (Res)$24.99IDW466
246372Juni Taisen Zodiac War Vol. 1$9.99Viz465
247217Star Wars Darth Vader Dark Lord Sith Vol. 3 Burning Seas$19.99Marvel465
248489Batman 66 Meets The Green Hornet$14.99DC462
249296Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe$14.99Marvel461
25036American Vampire Omnibus HC Vol. 1$99.99DC459
251444Batman HC Vol. 10 Epilogue$22.99DC459
252391Low Vol. 1 The Delirium of Hope$9.99Image458
253210Sabrina Chilling Adventures Vol. 1$17.99Archie455
254322Disney Manga Nightmare Before Christmas Ed$10.99Tokyopop454
255118Ec Archives Haunt of Fear HC Vol. 5$39.99Dark Horse454
256259I Hate Fairyland Vol. 4$16.99Image454
257288To Love Ru Darkness Vol. 7$12.99Seven Seas453
258262Green Arrow By Jeff Lemire Deluxe Ed HC$49.99DC451
25984Witcher Library Edition HC$49.99Dark Horse450
260257Shazam Vol. 1$16.99DC448
261222Dark Knight Returns$19.99DC447
262175Hellboy Omnibus Vol. 4 Hellboy In Hell$24.99Dark Horse447
263441Batman HC Vol. 9 Bloom$24.99DC445
264413Miraculous Tales Ladybug Cat Noir Season 2 Butterfly$8.99Action Lab444
26538Red Hood & The Outlaws The New 52 Omnibus HC Vol. 1$99.99DC444
266270Garfield Snack Pack Vol. 1$14.99Boom443
267451Superman Earth One HC Vol. 2$22.99DC443
268481Neil Gaimans Midnight Days$16.99DC442
269189Spider-Man Iron Man Marvel Team-Up$24.99Marvel442
270408Descender Vol. 1 Tin Stars$9.99Image441
271468Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 Parker Luck$17.99Marvel440
272282Snotgirl Vol. 2 California Screaming$15.99Image438
273267Descender Vol. 6 War Machine$16.99Image437
274263God Country$16.99Image437
275166Spider-Man Birth of Venom$29.99Marvel435
276364Batman War Games Vol. 1$34.99DC432
277338Green Arrow a Celebration of 75 Years HC$39.99DC431
278492Batman Beyond Vol. 1 Brave New Worlds$14.99DC430
279167Captain Marvel Earths Mightiest Hero Vol. 1$29.99Marvel429
280241Thanos Wins By Donny Cates$19.99Marvel427
281200Menage a 3 Vol. 2$19.99Udon426
282281Rough Riders Vol. 3 Ride or Die$14.99Aftershock426
284243Star Wars Darth Vader Vol. 1 Vader$19.99Marvel424
285265Star Wars Thrawn$17.99Marvel424
286239Barbarella Vol. 1 Red Hot Gospel$17.99Dynamite422
288456Superman Earth One HC Vol. 3$22.99DC421
289153Quasar Cosmos In Collision$34.99Marvel418
290203Civil War$24.99Marvel417
291493Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman Vol. 1$14.99DC415
292272Superman Red Son$17.99DC415
293173To Kill a Mockingbird HC$23.99HarperCollins415
294299Pop Team Epic Vol. 1$12.95Random House414
295158Hulk Planet Hulk$34.99Marvel411
296457Teen Titans Earth One HC Vol. 1$22.99DC411
297248Y The Last Man Book 1$19.99DC409
298286Deadly Class Vol. 7 Love Like Blood$16.99Image408
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